Saturday, December 21, 2013

reset, relax, rethink

The tax rate rise has given me a wonderful opportunity. I have sold nearly everything I own and have now cleared the proverbial mental slate to allow for a fresh approach to my portfolio rather than hanging on to a few dogs that were hurting a rather decent year. 

So goodbye and good riddance Watabe wedding, the cost impact of the weaker yen was not offset by a wealth effect send ing young couples to overseas weddings as anticipated. 

Sayonara Kawasaki Kinkai, you run a great operation in a structurally weak industry and so we must part. 

Au revoir Geo holdings, you are supremely cheap, but tsutaya has you beat and video stores do not have a bright future. 

Now, some of you stellar superstars that have aided my bank account in 2013 may make a reappearance in 2014, but there are no guaranteed spots. That means you Sakai moving, maruzen Kitchen, Roland dg, dic, mitani and Fukuda denshi! Consider yourselves warned. 

There are a number of bright starry eyed candidates knocking on my door. With a little investigation I hope to be back in in full from early 2014. 

If you are going to invest in Japanese stocks, you sure as hell better be invested from January to April. It's just about the most outstanding seasonal pattern of anywhere I have ever encountered. 

Happy hunting and if you want my thoughts on individual stocks just drop a comment and I will respond. 

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